(*57*)The actress took to Instagram on Saturday to rejoice her massive day with some beautiful seaside photos. In the snapshots, Salma may very well be seen rocking a purple bikini with white detailing, together with an outsized straw hat and sun shades. She then expressed within the caption all of the issues she is “profoundly grateful” for on her birthday, writing:
(*57*)“I’m so happy to be alive and so profoundly grateful for all the blessings!!!! My beloved family, my precious friends, my health, my work that keeps me going, my empowering team, my relationship with animals & nature, and the love of all my loyal fans. Happy 57th birthday to me!!!”
(*57*)Related: Salma Insists She’s Botox Free — But Credits 2 Activities For Her Remarkable Beauty!
(*57*)You can see the attractive pictures (under):
(*57*)She seems to be so fabulous! Salma then shared some appreciation to her followers for all the well-wishes on her big day. Alongside a photograph of her at a dinner desk on the brink of blow out the candles on her birthday cake, she stated:
(*57*)“Thanks for all the birthday love”
(*57*)It seems to be like Salma had an important birthday! Reactions to the attractive bikini pics, Perezcious readers? Let us know within the feedback under.
[Image via Salma Hayek/Instagram]
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