Sony Pictures has launched a red-band trailer for its upcoming raunchy comedy No Hard Feelings. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence as a lady who solutions two helicopter dad and mom’ Craigslist advert to assist break their sheltered son out of his shell by “dating” his brains out earlier than he heads off to faculty.
On the brink of shedding her childhood residence, “Maddie (Lawrence) discovers an intriguing job listing: wealthy helicopter parents looking for someone to ‘date’ their introverted 19-year-old son, Percy, before he leaves for college. To her surprise, Maddie soon discovers the awkward Percy is no sure thing.”
As you’ll see, engaging in her objective turns into fairly an amusing problem for her. If you’re a fan of raunchy comedies, that is a film you’ll in all probability take pleasure in watching because the trailer delivers some laughs.
The film comes from director Gene Stupnitsky (Good Boys), and it additionally stars Andrew Feldman, Laura Benanti, Natalie Morales, and Matthew Broderick.
No Hard Feelings opens in theaters on June 23th.
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