A trailer has been launched for the heartbreaking indie drama A Bit of Light. The movie stars Anna Paquin, Ray Winstone, Luca Hogan, Pippa Bennett-Warner, and Youssef Kerkour, and it’s directed by Stephen Moyer in his second characteristic movie after directing The Parting Glass beforehand. The screenplay is written by Rebecca Callard.
The movie’s synopsis reads:
Ella (Anna Paquin), at nearly forty years outdated, is compelled to maneuver again in together with her father and has given up custody of her younger daughters to her ex-husband Joseph and his new accomplice Bethan, although she hopes this variation gained’t be everlasting. Ella strikes up an unlikely friendship with a mysterious younger boy whose perception in her as a mom helps her rediscover her self-worth.
This seems to be prefer it’s going to be a troublesome watch. It’s a tragic story, however with nice performances value trying out. Watch the trailer under, and catch A Bit of Light in choose US theaters and on VOD beginning on April fifth.
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