Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are reuniting for an additional movie mission after their collaboration on the improbable film Air. The new movie is ready up at Netflix and it’s a kidnapping thriller titled Animals, with Affleck directing and Damon set to star.
There aren’t any particulars to share on the story aside from the truth that it revolves round a kidnapping. Connor McIntyre wrote the script and it contains revisions by Billy Ray.
I’m simply joyful to see Affleck and Damon teaming up for an additional movie mission. They are a sturdy inventive staff and they at all times have a tendency to provide nice tasks collectively. Air was certainly one of my favourite films final yr, and I’m excited to see what this subsequent movie of theirs seems to be.
Affleck has obtained a lot of tasks lined up, certainly one of which incorporates a sequel to The Accountant, the place he’ll reprise his function. Netflix will make Animals first, and then he’ll begin work on The Accountant sequel later within the yr.
Source: Deadline
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