Last 12 months comedian writers Al Ewing and Ram V launched a new Venom ongoing collection with artist Bryan Hitch. Today Marvel introduced that starting in March with Venom #17, acclaimed artist CAFU, whose earlier work consists of the current Iron Man collection with author Christopher Cantwell, will probably be taking on for Hitch as the new ongoing artist for the symbiote-centric collection. Marvel additionally introduced that CAFU has signed an unique settlement with the writer.
Taking place after the occasions of the present Dark Web crossover occasion, the e book will “see Eddie return to the Garden of Time and face off against Bedlam, the terrifying being born of his own rage.”
Having signed an unique contract with Marvel, CAFU expressed nice pleasure for this new mission:
“Since I was a kid, the Marvel Universe and its characters have been a huge part of my life, especially Spider-Man and his entire rogues gallery. For this reason, it’s been a dream come true signing this new exclusivity contract with the best comic-book publisher in the world and also drawing VENOM, one of my favorite characters in all the Spider-Verse!”
While Hitch could also be departing as the inside artist, he’ll nonetheless serve as the predominant cowl artist for the collection. Check out the predominant cowl for Venom #17 by Bryan Hitch beneath, and search for the concern to reach in shops and digitally on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023.
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