SDCC ‘23 is round the corner and Diamond has announced its limited printing Previews Exclusive books. This year will have four Marvel, three Image, two Dynamite, a Titan-Conan and an edition of Opus Comics’ Frank Frazetta Tales of Science Fantasy.
According to the Diamond press launch:
“Diamond Comic Distributors is offering eleven extremely limited PREVIEWS exclusive comic books for this year’s Comic-Con International: San Diego, taking place July 19 through July 23. The list includes several popular Marvel titles, including X-Men, Moon Knight, and Blade, as well as an assortment of titles from Image Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, Titan Comics, and Opus Comics. Comic-Con attendees can preview the items at Diamond’s PREVIEWS Booth #2401 and purchase from their local comic book specialty store.”
Diamond VP of Sales, Mike Schimmel says:
“Diamond is excited to present this year’s extremely limited con exclusives. We’ll showcase these items at the PREVIEWS booth and guide fans to retailers who’ll have the exclusives available for purchase on the show floor. Fans who look forward to attending Comic-Con International: San Diego for the exclusives won’t be disappointed with this year’s selection.”
Here are the titles getting the SDCC ‘23 Previews Exclusive therapy:
IMAGE COMICS (3 books)
Jeff Lemire’s Fishflies (restricted to 2000 copies)
Radiant Pink TPB Vol. 1 (restricted to 500 copies)
Swan Songs #1 (restricted to 1,500 copies)
DYNAMITE (1 e-book, 2 variants)
Red Sonja 2023 #1, unique cowl – color variant (restricted to 2,000)
Red Sonja 2023 # 1, unique cowl – black-and-white variant (restricted to 1,000 copies)
MARVEL (4 books)
Blade #1, variant by sequence artist Elena Casagrande (restricted to three,000 copies)
Fallen Friend #1, Carmen Carnero variant (restricted to three,000 copies)
Moon Knight City of the Dead #1 SDCC ’23 variant (restricted to three,000 copies)
X-Men Days of Future Past Doomsday #1 SDCC ’23 variant (restricted to three,000 copies).
TITAN (1 e-book)
Conan the Barbarian #1 (restricted to 2,000 copies)
OPUS COMICS (1 e-book)
SDCC ’23 Previews Exclusive version of Frank Frazetta Tales of Science Fantasy #2
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