The Cosmic Ghost Rider is an an alternate model of Frank Castle who turned Ghost Rider after dying and making a cope with Mephisto, and finally gained the Power Cosmic after making a separate cope with Galactus. Since debuting in 2018 in the pages of the acclaimed Thanos run from author Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw, the character has shortly grow to be a fan-favorite receiving his personal solo miniseries and being featured on a series of Marvel’s themed variant covers. More than three years after his earlier miniseries, Marvel introduced by Polygon that the character will trip once more in the first Cosmic Ghost Rider ongoing series, from author Stephanie Phillips and artist Juann Cabal.
After a stint with the Distinguished Competition, this Cosmic Ghost Rider ongoing series marks one of many first Marvel works for Phillips together with the upcoming Rogue & Gambit series. The first problem will characteristic a canopy drawn by Valerio Giangiordano. No extra members of the artistic group have been talked about.
Here’s how the writer describes the series:
In a far-flung nook of deep house, Frank Castle has eked out a quiet existence, and his days as Cosmic Ghost Rider are lastly behind him. But throughout the universe, a vicious bounty hunter is leaving a path of our bodies in his wake and his identify is…Cosmic Ghost Rider?! When Frank’s peaceable existence is shattered, he should swimsuit up as soon as extra and face his most savage enemy but – himself!
As Phillips informed Polygon:
“I love the humor and absurdity of Cosmic Ghost Rider, and because he’s a newer character I feel like there’s lots of potential space (pun intended) to push him in new directions. I’m excited to play with Marvel’s cosmic characters and write something that feels really new for me and for Frank Castle as well.”
Check out preview pages beneath and search for Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 to reach in shops and digitally on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023.
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