In a flash, almost each residing human in Tokyo disappears as a menacing fog creeps in. As Akito, a lone survivor of this supernatural disaster, it’s up to you to staff up with an unlikely ally: the spirit of a detective recognized solely as “KK.” With the energy to fight the otherworldly Visitors taking up the metropolis, it’s up to simply you two to save the world of the residing in Ghostwire: Tokyo, coming quickly to Xbox!
Available April 12 for Xbox Series X|S with Xbox Game Pass, and Windows 10/11 PC with PC Game Pass, Ghostwire: Tokyo will arrive with the free Spider’s Thread replace, including a mess of enhancements to the single-player hit, together with extra areas to discover, new story cutscenes, quality-of-life enhancements, a bonus recreation mode and extra!
Face The Unknown
As Tokyo is overrun by the hostile Visitors, it’s up to gamers to get to the backside of the mysterious vanishing and cease Hannya, the elusive masked determine claiming duty for the incident. With quite a lot of expertise and skill to hone their Ethereal Weaving, Akito & KK could have to work collectively and develop into a finely-tuned ghost hunter to save Tokyo from destruction.
Explore a Beautifully Haunted Tokyo
Lovingly rendered with next-gen expertise by the staff at Tango, Ghostwire: Tokyo options an genuine imaginative and prescient of modern-day Tokyo taken over by spirits. Walk, grapple and glide above the rainslicked streets and slim alleys as you encounter paranormal creatures born out of Japanese folklore and concrete fantasy.
Play the Spider’s Thread Update at Launch
Available as a free replace, the Spider’s Thread replace provides extra to discover in haunted streets of Tokyo, together with new content material, enhancements and an all-new recreation mode!
Take on the Spider’s Thread mode and check your expertise in addition to play new quests in the fundamental recreation, seize a memento with an enhanced Photo Mode, discover the all-new Middle School space, pull out new fight strikes like the Quick Dodge or Charge Rush assault, and a lot extra! With the Spider’s Thread replace, gamers will get to have the definitive Ghostwire: Tokyo expertise.
Prepare for a world of the supernatural when Ghostwire: Tokyo comes to Xbox Series X|S with Xbox Game Pass and Windows 10/11 PC with PC Game Pass on April 12. Learn extra about Ghostwire: Tokyo on the official web site.
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