Sierra Leone’s extremely anticipated actuality TV present, The House of Stars, premiered on Sunday, December 3, 2023, with 24 contestants competing for an opportunity to change into millionaires within the coming months. The present, organized by Kings Empire, seeks to remodel the lives of Sierra Leonean celebrities, providing the winner a grand prize consisting of a furnished three-bedroom home, a automobile, and NLe 50,000 money.
Just 24 hours after its debut, The House of Stars has generated important consideration and enthusiasm from followers. While many applaud Kings Empire for the spectacular setup and decorations, others observe that the competitors continues to be broad open, and pre-favorite Hawa Tombo might face sudden challenges.
The present contains a various forged of over 20 members from numerous leisure fields, together with musicians, film stars, DJs, comedians, fashions, trend designers, social media influencers, bloggers, dancers, and athletes. This eclectic combine ensures a show of distinctive skills and personalities all through the competitors.
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