Titled The Dog and the Boy, Netflix’s new animated brief movie was made by WIT Studio, and the Netflix Japan Twitter account not too long ago tweeted out that the artwork and background used within the movie have been AI-generated. It didn’t take lengthy for the backlash to begin, particularly when you think about that picture era AI has been an enormous supply of controversy because it’s typically thought to be unethical amongst animators and artists.
The tweet in query states: “As an experimental effort to help the anime industry, which has a labor shortage, we used image generation technology for the background images of all three-minute video cuts!”
The irony right here is that the animation business has lengthy been plagued with points like low pay, excessive stress, lengthy working hours, mixed with excessive demand, leading to numerous burnout amongst artists. The tweet from Netflix Japan comes off as a bit tone-deaf because of this, as the problem isn’t essentially the labor scarcity itself, as it’s the subpar working situations usually.
Ironically, the credit additionally listing the background designer as “AI + Human”, implying that human artists have been concerned in creating the artwork for the movie, however the credit don’t appear to mirror that appropriately. Needless to say, Netflix has been met with tons of flak within the tweet replies, as followers and viewers alike are calling for higher working situations for animators and artists as an alternative of counting on AI for picture era.
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