Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh’s world occasion celebrates each the unique Sinnoh area and the Hisui area. The enormous occasion takes place beginning on Feb. 24 at 10 a.m. till Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. in your native time.
There is rather a lot occurring on this occasion, so it’s a good time to play. There’s no paid ticket to take part, so all of the perks and bonuses can be found to all gamers. There’s a halved hatch distance for all eggs put into Incubators in the course of the occasion, as much as six particular trades might be made (as a substitute of only one), buying and selling Stardust price has been halved, and there’s no restrict on distant raiding from Feb 23-25.
During the occasion, there’s additionally an elevated probability to search out some Pokémon shiny, together with Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Stunky, and costumed Pikachu. There’s additionally an elevated probability to hatch shiny Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Qwilfish, Pachirisu, Chatot, and Carnivine from eggs.
In addition to all that, there’s a ton of various kinds of analysis to do, with boosted spawns rotating in habitats all through the day.
Below we record out all of the perks for Pokémon Go’s Go Tour Sinnoh occasion, together with the Special Research and habitat instances.
Pokémon Go Tour 2023: “It’s about Time (and Space)” Special Research Tasks
Right away, you’ll be tasked with a selection on which starter to select. The starter you choose solely has an impact on step one, as you’ll get a Shadow encounter with that Pokémon, in addition to sweet for it. You’ll additionally get to decide on between Diamond or Pearl model, which additionally impacts your rewards. You’ll get Dialga-based rewards for selecting Diamond and Palkia-based rewards for selecting Pearl. We record out all of the steps under.
Step 1 of 4
- Catch 15 Pokémon initially found within the Sinnoh area (1 Incense)
- Use an Incense (Shadow Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup encounter)
Rewards: 3 Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup Candy, 3 Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup Candy XL, 3,000 XP
Step 2 of 4
- Catch Dialga (Diamond) or Palkia (Pearl) (Shadow Gible encounter)
- Power up dragon-type Pokémon 10 instances (5,000 Stardust)
Rewards: 3 Dialga/Palkia Candy, 1 Dialga/Palkia Candy XL, 2,024 XP
Step 3 of 4
- Evolve 3 Pokémon (Shadow Scizor [Diamond] or Shadow Pinsir [Pearl] encounter)
- Activate Roar of Time’s journey impact (Diamond) or Spacial Rend’s journey impact (Pearl) (Shadow Honchkrow [Diamond] or Shadow Mismagius [Pearl] encounter)
Rewards: 3 Dialga/Palkia Candy, 1 Dialga/Palkia Candy XL, Spiritomb encounter
Step 4 of 4
- Purify 1 Shadow Pokémon (1,000 XP)
- Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon (2,000 XP)
- Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon (3,000 XP)
Rewards: 3 Dialga Candy, 3 Palkia Candy, Giovanni battle
Image: Niantic
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh Timed Research
These duties will seem within the Timed Research part in the course of the occasion.
Go Tour: Uxie Photo Safari Timed Research
- Take a snapshot of Uxie within the wild (480 Stardust)
Rewards: Uxie encounter
Go Tour: Mesprit Photo Safari Timed Research
- Take a snapshot of Mesprit within the wild (480 Stardust)
Rewards: Mesprit encounter
Go Tour: Azelf Photo Safari Timed Research
- Take a snapshot of Azelf within the wild (480 Stardust)
Rewards: Azelf encounter
Legends 486 Timed Research
- Complete 3 occasion challenges (Regigigas encounter)
Rewards: 10 Regirock Candy, 10 Regice Candy, 10 Registeel Candy
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh occasion challenges
These occasion challenges will seem in the course of the occasion interval:
- Catch 10 rock-type Pokémon (3 Regirock Candy)
- Catch 10 ice-type Pokémon (3 Regice Candy)
- Catch 10 steel-type Pokémon (3 Registeel Candy)
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh occasion Field Research
Spinning a PokéStop in the course of the occasion interval might yield one in all these duties:
- Busting Boardwalk: Power up normal- or water-type Pokémon 5 instances (Bidoof or Shellos [East Sea] encounter)
- Ancient Grove: Power up grass- or ghost-type Pokémon 5 instances (Hisuian Voltorb or Hisuian Growlithe encounter)
- Toxic Digs: Power up poison- or rock-type Pokémon 5 instances (Gible or Skuntank encounter)
- Geothermal Lagoon: Power up fire- or ice-type Pokémon 5 instances (Hisuian Sneasel or Hisuian Qwilfish encounter)
You may also get this job in the course of the “Space-time Anomaly” that occurs in the course of the Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon habitats:
- Win 3 raids (Hisuian Braviary, Hisuian Avalugg, Kleavor, or Ursaluna encounter)
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh boosted spawns and rotating habitats
The boosted spawns correlate in the direction of habitats, which change each hour. Each habitat will rotate in twice.
Bustling Boardwalk habitat spawns (10-11 a.m., 2-3 p.m.)
- Pikachu (Lucas hat)
- Pikachu (Dawn hat)
- Magnemite
- Electabuzz
- Porygon
- Ralts
- Piplup
- Starly
- Bidoof
- Burmy (Trash)
- Buizel
- Shellos (East Sea)
- Shellos (West Sea)
- Drifloon
- Glameow
- Finneon
Ancient Grove habitat spawns (11 a.m. till 12 p.m., 3-4 p.m.)
- Pikachu (Akari’s kerchief)
- Pikachu (Rei’s cap)
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Tangela
- Eevee
- Misdreavus
- Nosepass
- Roselia
- Turtwig
- Kricketot
- Burmy (Plant)
- Combee
- Cherubi
- Bronzor
Toxic Digs habitat spawns (12-1 p.m., 4-5 p.m.)
- Pikachu (Lucas hat)
- Pikachu (Dawn hat)
- Aipom
- Yanma
- Gligar
- Sneasel
- Duskull
- Shinx
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
- Burmy (Sandy)
- Stunky
- Gible
- Hippopotas
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
Geothermal Lagoon habitat spawns (1-2 p.m., 5-6 p.m.)
- Pikachu (Akari’s kerchief)
- Pikachu (Rei’s cap)
- Luckitung
- Rhyhorn
- Magmar
- Eevee
- Togetic
- Murkrow
- Hisuian Qwilfish
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Swinub
- Snorunt
- Chimchar
- Buneary
- Snover
Incense spawns
These Pokémon will spawn relying on the habitat, however provided that you utilize an Incense:
- Unown H (all habitats)
- Unown I (all habitats)
- Unown S (all habitats)
- Unown N (Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs)
- Unown O (Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs)
- Unown U (Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon)
Image: Niantic
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh egg hatches
Any eggs obtained in the course of the occasion will hatch the next, based mostly on their hatch distance:
- Budew (2 km)
- Chingling (2 km)
- Bonsley (2 km)
- Mime Jr. (2 km)
- Happiny (2 km)
- Munchlax (2 km)
- Riolu (2 km)
- Mantyke (2 km)
- Hisuian Voltorb (5 km)
- Hisuian Qwilfish (5 km)
- Stunky (5 km)
- Gible (5 km)
- Pachirisu (10 km)
- Chatot (10 km)
- Carnivine (10 km)
Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh raid targets
These Pokémon can be in raids in the course of the occasion interval, however it would fluctuate by habitat:
Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs raids
- Turtwig (1-star)
- Chimchar (1-star)
- Piplup (1-star)
- Torterra (3-star)
- Infernape (3-star)
- Empoleon (3-star)
- Dialga (5-star)
- Palkia (5-star)
Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon raids
- Rowlet (1-star)
- Cyndaquil (1-star)
- Oshawott (1-star)
- Torterra (3-star)
- Infernape (3-star)
- Empoleon (3-star)
- Hisuian Decidueye (3-star)
- Hisuian Typhlosion (3-star)
- Hisuian Samurott (3-star)
- Origin Forme Dialga (5-star)
- Origin Forme Palkia (5-star)
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