Priyanka Chopra, 40, and Nick Jonas, 30, turned heads this weekend, after they attended the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre gala occasion in Mumbai, India. The lovebirds each wore flattering outfits, together with a a number of coloured strapless robe for the actress and a black jacket and pants for the singer, as they sweetly posed on the carpet of the star-studded occasion. She topped her look off with matching strappy open-toed heels and a shiny silver necklace as her lengthy hair was down, and he topped his off with black footwear.
In addition to posing along with her husband, Priyanka took the chance to pose for solo images. She regarded assured and content material as her flattering make-up was additionally on full show. The slit within the backside a part of her robe gave her look an attractive vibe.
Priyanka and Nick mingled round different fashionable visitors, together with the man famous person couple, Tom Holland and Zendaya. They additionally regarded unimaginable of their outfits as they posed individually on the carpet. He wore a basic black and white tuxedo with a bow tie, and he or she wore a shiny blue sari that had floral element.
Priyanka and Nick’s look on the gala comes simply sooner or later after they have been photographed arriving in Mumbai with their one-year-old daughter Malti. They have been greeted by followers on the airport and stopped to smile and pose for lovable household images. Priyanka wore a brilliant pink sleeveless costume with white, pink, and purple platform sneakers and sun shades, and Nick wore a darkish blue hoodie, denims, white sneakers, an orange baseball cap, and sun shades.
The household look is a uncommon one since Priyanka and Nick have principally saved their daughter out of the highlight since her delivery. She simply celebrated her first birthday in Jan. and the proud dad and mom have already gushed over her many instances. The new addition was born through surrogate and has already made could cameos on her mother’s Instagram web page.
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